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Letting go of my ShEgo

Ever since I was a little girl, you could say I always felt a sense of super hero running through my veins.  Not so much, a super hero physically but definitely a super hero in my heart, where it felt good to be good and it felt amazing to save others from the dark side...their dark side.  It felt good to be compassionate, it felt good to be kind, it felt good to be loyal, it felt good to be honest and it felt good to stand in my truth.
As the years went on though, as my childhood turned into adolescence and the adolescence turned into adulthood, that compassion, the kindness, the loyalty, the honesty and standing in my truth slowly reduced from innocently all the time to argumentatively sometimes.  And the person who copped it the most

I look back on the last year particularly, when, here I was thinking that at nearly 35 years old, I should feel far more grounded than I do, I recently hit a wall.
'I am going around in circles...this self development thing keeps leading me back to square 12' (because square 1 is going  bit far)

I thought that by now, that with all the seminars, self help books, self help audio, self development social groups and meditation that I have purposely undertaken as an adult, I would be loving on myself a lot more AND a less self centered person.
I mean, don't get me wrong, if you asked any of my friends, they would tell you that I am one of the most generous and inspiring people they know and I am proud of that.  But there are still elements of me that I have noticed, that still needs A LOT of work in the direction of authentic and effortless, self love!

There is a little voice inside my head that directs me to places I really don't enjoy being....such as JEALOUSY Junction, LIARS Lane, the UGLY Underpass, VICTIMS View, SELFISH Street and my all time favourite, the WHAT ABOUT ME Waterhole...

Do you know any of these places??

This little voice has acted as my own personal Uber driver to these places and to be honest, I am totally over it.  I am over being dictated to by this little sassy voice who I recently named my 'ShEgo...'

She is loud and obnoxious takes me to such dark places.  This I have found has impacted my life to a point where I could easily be taking 3 steps forward before she pulls me back into her car and drives me 10 streets back to SABOTAGE Circuit.  It hasn't been all and I have finally decided to take the wheel.  I have decided that I AM going to take the wheel of this Uber and my ShEgo will be my passenger.  I am going to take her different locations, and I will show her how it looks and feels  when driving on the bright side of town.  I am going to take her back to LOVE Lane, COMPASSION Castle, KINDNESS Corner, GRATITUDE Highway and all of the other places where the green grass grows abundantly, the rays of the sun tastes like cotton candy, dissolving on your tastebuds and where all the Super Heroes reside, including our very own inner Wonder Woman

I truley believe that there is a Diana Prince aka Wonder Woman within us all.  Bold, kind , compassionate, generous, fiercely loving, protective and everything that Wonder Woman embodies.  Our whole life we have been taught to dim her light, to conform in a world that fears our inner Wonder Woman.  In a world that where fear multiplies easily and love is questioned.  But we have arrived now at a time where this 'Conformity' no longer suits us.  We have arrived at a time where God calls forth for all of our inner Wonder Woman to be re-ignited so we can teach new lessons to our young Super them their true powers and guide them to always STAND IN THEIR TRUTH

I'll go first...

I have planned out a map, a new direction to re-ignite the Wonder Woman in me...with the hope to ignite the Wonder Woman in you.  The Woman who is kind, compassionate, loyal, strong, courageous, loving and stands in her truth ALL THE TIME, not just sometimes.
The journey starts today and in this blog, I will share with you my journey.  My journey of clearing a path back to my very own Amazonian Queen.  A path of remembering who I was born to be and who you were born to be so life can be effortlessly full of joy and so we continue to inspire the Super Hero in our children, their friends, their children and so on and so forth...
So we no longer judge ourselves or others, so we treat others with organic kindness and love, so we experience a life of ease...pure ease regardless of what is happening around us.
This will take work.  It will take re-creating a new normal.  It will take trying new things and it will take courage because first you must be courage to have courage.

How will I do this?  Well, with the help of God, source, the universe and whoever you refer to as your higher guide, I will take myself through different experiments of things I have never done full out before.
For example, I have removed social media from my life, as of 2 days ago.  Which I will write about in the next blog, I have also reduced my 'to read' list down to 2 books as opposed to 20 of the latest motivational must reads.
Heck, I may as well share my list....

  1. Remove yourself from Facebook
  2. Nourish your body
  3. Eat more plants!
  4. Move more- Exercise daily
  5. Journal with gratitude
  6. Listen to only 1 audio in the car -Conversations with God
  7. Read only 1 book the entire year (except for study material)- The Four Agreements
  8. Mind your own business
  9. Stand in your truth at all times
  10. Be passionate without condemnation
  11. Guard your energy
Timeline- No allocated is guaranteed that a shift will be experienced and until I have embodied the characteristics of Wonder Woman, innately, intuitively and organically this mission will be for life

**Social media cleanse will happen for minimum of 60 days as a way to detach from the habits of continuously referring to it, in idol time.  I will commence using it for the soul purpose (yes I wrote that on purpose) of sharing this information

I have no attachment to any outcomes...I am doing this for me.  So I can live a life free of constraints.  Mind constraints, ShEgo constraints.  Where my inner Amazonian Queen is set free and because I have been blessed with the gift of being a natural sharer, it's a given that I am sharing this journey with you too...

Enjoy the ride if you choose to join me...I love you!!



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